The Pace of Pharmacy is undergoing a great change.
It does not only deal with merely therapeutic drugs but also it is now recognized today in the health care segment, as a necessary tool.
The field has new horizon and unlimited scope.
UMCOP’s goal for community includes cultivating talents that are with humanistic empathy, innovative and a scientific perspective.


The Pace of Pharmacy is undergoing a great change.
It is not more to deal with merely therapeutic drugs but it is also recognized today in the health care segment, as a necessary tool.
The field has new horizon and unlimited scope.
UMCOP’s goal for community includes cultivating talents that are with humanistic empathy, innovative and a scientific perspective.
UMCOP has a prime mission of achieving excellence in the field of Pharmacy education and to bring it at par with international standards.
Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of drugs.
Our mission is to provide students with a deep understanding of the drug as therapeutic entity emphasizing on its biological actions, interactions, dosage forms, storage and analysis.